Current Announcements
Here are some changes to events that you need to be immediately aware of:
Welcome to Belmont A.M.E. Zion Church, where Everybody is Somebody!
Weekly Prayer Call – The Boston District will be having a weekly prayer call hosted by our Presiding Elder, Rev. Jacqueline King, every Friday at 6:00am. Everyone is welcome to join in. The conference call number is: (605) 562-0400 code - 7952725.
Senior Advice Resource:
Yes We Care, Inc. has partnered with Senior Advice. They provide information and resources for senior care in Massachusetts.
Many of our aging adults are unaware of the available care options and programs that can help them maintain their independence and quality of life. So Senior Advice created a free resource that provides comprehensive information on topics like financial support and assisted living options that are available in their area. You can read more about their work here:
Guide to government aid for seniors (
This website is also helpful if you are looking for a medical alert system for a senior you know:
These are national and state resources for free/subsidized hearing aids.
This is a guide that can help seniors get access to affordable hearing aids that can ensure safety and quality of everyday life. provides easy-to-understand guides that help people in communities make informed choices about health care coverage. Especially the elderly and those who face economic uncertainties.
They have put together a series of new guides for 2022 that could be useful for those who are struggling in the community during these uncertain times. The following guides walks readers step by step through the multiple options provided by Medicare, Medicaid, and insurance for people recently unemployed, including critical information like costs, and financial assistance.
You can view the guides here:
This information is of tremendous value to our senior citizens and their families.
The following are change/updates Since the COVID-19 Restrictions:
We are inviting those of you who have a mind to pray, pray for others, or need prayer for yourself, join us for our weekly prayer every Wednesday at 7:00pm.
Tuesdays - Teen/Adult bible study on Tuesdays at 6PM via Facebook live on our church page.
Wednesdays - Brown Bag Bible Study at 12:00 Noon. Login information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 7392 0885
Passcode: 817433
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Meeting ID: 830 7392 0885
Passcode: 817433
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Wednesdays - Weekly Prayer Call from 7:30pm to 8:00pm. Login Information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 603 365 7808
Passcode: 1db11E
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+16465588656,,6033657808#,,,,*426133# US (New York)
+13017158592,,6033657808#,,,,*426133# US (Washington DC)
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 603 365 7808
Passcode: 426133
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